
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Want to Slim, Switch Plates Color Red

Want to Slim, Switch Plates Color Red
Want to Slim, Switch Plates Color Red - There are many ways to help you achieve the desired weight. But the most effective is to reduce calorie intake. A new study has found, change the color of the plate can stop your desire to overeat.

The rate of obesity continues to grow led researchers continue to look for solutions to prevent excessive food consumption. A study found that the contrast of colors between the food and the plate can affect the extent of food that people took to the plate.

For example , if eating spaghetti with red sauce , the person wearing the red plate tend to take less than a person wearing a white plate . Conversely, if the food is served with a white sauce, one with a white plate was the one who took less.

The study then make the researchers conducted further studies to determine the effect of color on the plate of food consumption. Is it true that people tend to eat less when dining at almost the same colored plate with food?
The new study published in the journal Appetite that a follow-up study that was actually found , the red color was actually reduce excessive food craving . So wear red colored plate will help reduce weight.

Not only reduces the tendency of eating less red , but the red plate also has a similar effect on food with other colors " says the researcher.

The Italian study found that all the food served on a plate to eat less red than the food served on the plate other colors, such as blue or white. Researchers said the food served at the pleasure of the red plate will be reduced to certain foods.

According to researchers, the color can affect a person's emotions and behavior and trigger certain reactions. For example, red is often associated with a “stop” and “danger “. Besides red is also often associated with romance, such as red roses, red lipstick, or red dress.

However, these studies still have limitations. In this study, respondents were not told first the effect of the color plates on their food consumption. So it is unclear effectiveness of using a red plate to suppress appetite.

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