
Tuesday 28 October 2014

5 As a result most of the calcium in the body

5 As a result most of the calcium in the body
There have been many medical studies mention that the calcium the body needs to stay healthy and supports the growth of bones and teeth. So you are also obliged to take calcium every day even though you are elderly to prevent osteoporosis. However, you should also pay attention to the amount of calcium you consume. Because it turns too much calcium can cause health problems such as below.

These 9 natural ingredients are as good as antibiotics

These 9 natural ingredients are as good as antibiotics
Talking about antibiotics, most people would imagine a drug that is prescribed by a doctor. Antibiotics alone are drugs that developed to kill bacteria. However, there is a problem with the antibiotics produced from chemicals. The drug does not only kill the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria that supports the immune system. In addition, after several times, the bacteria will start to be immune to antibiotics and make it ineffective. Therefore, do not carelessly take antibiotics, especially if it is not prescribed by a doctor. It would be better if you recognize the natural ingredients that can work equally well with antibiotics. Here are some natural ingredients that have the same effect with antibiotics, as reported by the Health Me Up (17/10).

Sunday 19 October 2014

18 Health Benefits Of Papaya

18 Health Benefits Of Papaya
18 Amazing Health Benefits Of Papaya . Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like papayas decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.

Saturday 18 October 2014

12 Health Benefits of Watermelon

12 Health Benefits of Watermelon
Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like watermelon decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight. It can help lower blood pressure in the obese. It’s also a natural diuretic that can help hydrate your body, low in calories, and practically free from cholesterol and fat.

Friday 10 October 2014

Health Benefits of Chocolate

Health Benefits of Chocolate
Benefits of eating chocolate include: lowering cholesterol levels, preventing cognitive decline, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

It's The Importance of Sleep When Wear Socks

sleep healthy
It's The Importance of Sleep When Wear Socks. Sleep disorders are not only triggered by light and sound pollution. The temperature is not ideal quietness can disturb sleep. And parts of the body most sensitive to temperature is soles.

This importance of ' Sex Vacation ' for the Old Married Couple

This importance of ' Sex Vacation ' for the Old Married Couple
When a matter has entered the age of marriage, intimacy may begin to fade, even many who claim to getting bored with each other. When this sense approach, immediately schedule a vacation with friends.

Saturday 26 April 2014

You Need To Do When It's Not Want to Have Yellow Teeth

You Need To Do When It's Not Want to Have Yellow Teeth
You Need To Do When It's Not Want to Have Yellow Teeth. Ideally teeth have bright white color. Therefore, yellowish teeth will certainly lower the person's self-confidence. Do not worry, yellow teeth can also be prevented by simple means.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Without surgery, appendicitis In Children Can Be Cured by Antibiotics

appendicitisWithout surgery, appendicitis In Children Can Be Cured by Antibiotics. Children suddenly complained of pain in the right lower abdomen? Be careful, it could be a symptom of appendicitis. Usually if it is severe inflammation of the appendix alias already infected by the bacteria, the surgical removal of the appendix was performed.

Why Vulnerable Infant Cow Milk Allergy?

Why Vulnerable Infant Cow Milk Allergy? - Cow's milk protein allergy is a form of the most common food allergies experienced by children. An estimated 0.3 to 7.5 percent of children have this allergy, especially in infants aged less than two years. 

Is There More Protein Meat or Eggs?

Is There More Protein Meat or Eggs?- Proteins are composed of amino acids. Animal foods contain complete amino acid requirements for various body functions. Therefore, animal products is more advisable to get protein. Source of animal protein that we can rely on, among others, eggs, meat, fish, poultry as well.

Sterile or Not? Here's How to detect

Sterile or Not? Here's How to detect - Melbourne, Infertility is not a medical condition whose symptoms can be seen clearly. It was only felt when couples never have kids succeed, keep trying though. So how do I detect it?

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Want to Slim, Switch Plates Color Red

Want to Slim, Switch Plates Color Red
Want to Slim, Switch Plates Color Red - There are many ways to help you achieve the desired weight. But the most effective is to reduce calorie intake. A new study has found, change the color of the plate can stop your desire to overeat.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Laugh so Memories Remain Strong

Laugh so Memories Remain Strong
Laugh so Memories Remain Strong- Ever feel better after laughing off? Yes, laughter is often referred to as the best medicine. The development of science can now explain it scientifically. In fact, according to recent studies, laughter can prevent someone from dementia.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

High Cholesterol Fuels Growth Provokes Breast Cancer Growth And Spread

High Cholesterol Fuels Growth Provokes Breast Cancer Growth And Spread
The researchers also found that anti-cholesterol drugs such as statins appear to diminish the effect of this estrogen-like molecule. Breast cancer tumors can use a cholesterol byproduct a fuel enabling them to grow and spread more quickly.

Household Dogs Protect Against Asthma Infection

Household Dogs Protect Against Asthma
Man’s best friend may be his best bet to evade asthma and allergies. That is the conclusion of a new study from Tufts University School of Medicine, where researchers have determined that a pet dog allowed indoors can reduce a young child’s risk of developing certain respiratory complications. The findings hint at new public health recommendations for at-risk individuals.

Monday 3 February 2014

DNA of peanut-allergic kids changes with immune therapy

Peanut allergy, like other food allergies, currently has no cure. Scientists are conducting clinical trials of doctor-supervised immunotherapy, in which peanut-allergic patients take increasing amounts of peanut powder to try to desensitize them to the peanut allergen. At the end of the trial, patients are usually asked to eat some peanuts every day for the rest of their lives.